Brussels in September?
MAG Ireland is joining with other riders rights organisations all across the EU on September 22nd to demonstrate against the recent EU proposal to include mopeds, scooters and motorcycles in harmonised roadworthiness testing across the EU.
There will be a demo in Brussels and if any Irish riders would like to take part our colleagues in MAG Belgium will meet you at your port of entry and ride with you to Brussels. If you are interested in taking part, please e-mail linda@magireland.org with your contact details and a brief outline of your travel plans.
There will be a national demo also, details of which are currently being finalised, to be run at the same time on the same day – September 22nd. Keep an eye on the MAG Web site for the details, and if you’re on twitter, follow @mag_ireland to be notified. We’re also on Facebook at: www.facebook.com/magireland.org
Our previous posts on this issue can be found here: https://www.magireland.org/category/campaigns/rwt/