As the negotiations continue around the Roadworthiness Testing proposals in an attempt to reach a compromise under the Lithuanian Presidency of the EU, FEMA (The Federation of European Motorcyclists’ Associations) has issued an open letter to MEP’s reminding them that:
- The EU Council of Member States decided against the inclusion of motorcycles in the proposals.
- The EU Parliament’s own Internal Market Commission (IMCO) decided against the inclusion of motorcycles in the proposals.
- The Transport Committee of the EU Parliament decided against the inclusion of motorcycles in the proposals, and sought proper evidence to justify their inclusion.
Despite this, a small number of MEP’s are determined to force motorcycles to undergo expensive and unnecessary roadworthiness testing even though all of the available evidence shows that mechanical condition is simply not a significant factor in motorcycle accidents.

MAG Ireland is a founder member of FEMA
Negotiations continue as the shadow of the European elections next year begins to be felt, and FEMA, of which MAG Ireland is a founder member, has issued the following open letter to the MEP’s reminding them that:
“Decisions based on flawed statistics and theoretical principles, miles away from European citizens’ social and economic reality, especially in times of financial crisis, widen the gap between the European institutions and its citizens and dig the bed of euro-scepticism and nationalism.”
MAG Ireland is an active member of FEMA through which we, along with many other EU motorcyclist associations, work to effect change and influence EU decision making. We continue to engage and pursue this issue both domestically and at the EU level through FEMA.
Click the image below for the full text of the letter.