National Driver Licence Service (or NDLS) has taken over processing of all drivinglicenses previously undertaken by the local motor tax offices.
There are 34 NDLS centres nationwide, open from 9am to 5pm, Monday to Friday, and from 9am to 2pm on Saturdays. (Further details below)
To contact NDLS call 076 108 7880 or see the NDLS web site at: |
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The application process is “face to face” and according to NDLS, this means you’ll need to bring appropriate documentation to confirm your identity while your photo and your signature will be captured digitally by the NDLS staff.

Plastic Card Licence
There will be no change to the cost of a driving licence or learner permit. Currently costs are:
- Ten year licence – €55
- Three year licence – €35
- One year licence – €25
- The cost of a Learner Permit is €35
Full details of the service are on the NDLS web site at:
Or phone 076 108 7880.
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NDLS have a issued “Guidance notes for the completion of Driving Licence Application Form” in Adobe PDF form which you can download from their web site by clicking on the image below. The document includes a list of the NDLS offices nationwide.
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