Following our recent AGM, we’re now implementing a number of changes in the way MAG Ireland is run.

MAG Ireland – Protecting your rights
As part of those changes we’re bringing in a new membership system, and we’re moving all of the existing member data into the new system shortly. As a result, there may be delays in posting out membership packs for those joining or renewing membership at present. We expect to be up and running on the new system by the end of this month.
We ask for your patience while the changes are underway, changes which will make MAG Ireland more efficient and more flexible and will allow us to focus more of our efforts on the core aims of the organisation.
If you’re a member, you’ll be hearing from us in the next few weeks, so it’s important that we’ve got the correct contact details for you. If you have changed e-mail address or moved house since you last renewed, let us know – email: – and we’ll update your details.
We value and appreciate your support as a member as we continue to adapt and develop the organisation for the benefit of our membership. Remember there are some great discounts on the MAG Ireland group scheme which is a members only benefit you can take advantage of at any time.
From all of us here in MAG Ireland, ride safe, ride free.