FBoS team celebrates two year anniversary

First Bike on Scene (FBoS) course provider B.I.K.E.R.S. Training (www.bikerstraining.com) are celebrating their second anniversary. To quote FBoS trainer and team member Rodge Byrne:

When we initially set up in October 2011 we thought perhaps a few courses with maybe 40 to 50 people per year. Two years on, we currently stand at around 300 participants qualified and capable of making a positive difference at an accident scene.

FBOS logoThe one-day FBoS training course aims to take away the fear of approaching and dealing with an accident, potentially making a huge difference to the injured person. Initially developed by the North West Ambulance Service in the UK, the course is now available here through the sole licensees Rodge Byrne and Nick Coward. The FBoS team also provided the content for the emergency response section of the MAG Ireland smart phone app.

Full details of the First Bike on Scene course including venues, dates and booking are available on the B.I.K.E.R.S. Training web site at: www.bikerstraining.com
