Obituary – Jim Fisher R.I.P.

It is with great sadness we learned of the death of Jim Fisher, former Chairman of MAG Ireland, former Chairman of I.R.T.A. (The Irish Rider Training Association) and for many years a leading light in MAG Longford.

A well known  figure with his Wiltshire accent and irrepressible character, Jim was a remarkable, unforgettable man. A genuine ambassador for motorcycling and a staunch defender of motorcyclists and the right to ride.

With a straightforward manner Jim could be blunt when necessary. But with his clear thinking, honesty and  passion, few could match what he gave to motorcycling.

Although in later years he stopped riding, while he was active in MAG Ireland and IRTA he gave freely of his time for the benefit of others. Whether representing riders or as an instructor, his approach was the same – To spread the joy of riding a motorcycle, to do it as well as it was possible to do, and to encourage others to do the same.

In the early days of IRTA it was hard work and it took sheer grit, determination and bloody mindedness to achieve what was needed. Jim took it all in his stride and his skill at encouraging others to do the same was unmatched. At times it was Jim’s infectious enthusiasm that kept us all going!

He would have said that when it came to passing on the skills of teaching or riding a motorcycle that he was merely “a guardian of the knowledge”, that he did not own it, that it was a duty to pass it on to others. He would have said that this was nothing special, that he was nothing special.

Not so – Jim was very special. He left an indelible impression on those he met and many riders and instructors have good reason to be grateful for his unique outlook.

Jim, we will miss you.

 – Marc O’Loideoin on behalf of MAG Ireland.
