The Annual General Meeting of MAG Ireland, (The Irish Motorcyclists’ Association) will take place in Mulvanney’s of Dunboyne, Co.Meath on Saturday 24th September 2016 at 2:00pm. Doors open 1pm for registration and refreshments with the AGM beginning at 2pm sharp. This is a members only event. Lapsed members can renew on the day.

Join us on September 24th in Dunboyne!
As you will be aware, MAG Ireland is run by volunteers who give freely of their time and energy for the benefit of the organisation and its members.
We have made much progress over the past five years. We’ve put MAG Ireland on a sustainable financial footing and enabled the organisation to fulfil its remit – To promote and protect Irish motorcycling.
This year we’ve been busy promoting motorcycling as a positive and beneficial mode of transport. We’ve also promoted motorcycling as way to boost tourism and we’ve promoted charity events organised and run by Irish riders which portray a positive image of motorcycling that’s often lacking in the mainstream media.
On September 24th we’ll be celebrating another year of progress, a year in which Irish motorcycling finally returned to growth following years of decline.
By choosing to be a member, you’ve already demonstrated your support and we are sincerely grateful for it. Why not take the next step and join us in Dunboyne on September 24th to help shape the future of your representative association?
It has been a busy year behind the scenes, and there are some very significant changes up for your vote on this occasion.
If you or a member you know would like to volunteer for a position on the board, e-mail or fill in the following form:
If you or a member you know would like to put a proposal to the membership, e-mail or fill in the following form:
We look forward to seeing as many of you as possible on the day!
Ride safe,
Ride free
MAG Ireland