The Annual General Meeting of MAG Ireland (The Irish Motorcyclists’ Association) will take place on Saturday 26th January 2019 at 2PM in Perrystown & Manor Estate Community Centre, Limekiln Lane, Perrystown, Dublin, D12 A26Y.

For some time now our activities have been constrained by the absence of volunteers in key positions. As a result we had to focus on the most important aspect of what we do – behind the scenes engagement with the relevant authorities to ensure motorcycling is not further hampered by ill conceived measures.
This is the “invisible” side of what we do and so while it might appear to the casual observer that MAG is less active than it is, we have in fact had a presence at all the shows including Mondello, Carlow, Swords and Leopardstown.

We’ve also attended lots of smaller events, and on top of that we’ve been to no less than three FEMA meetings in the past year. We really do make the most of our available resources!
This year we have decisions to make which will have long term implications for the organisation. We really need your voice and your vote as a member at the AGM.
We still have openings for enthusiastic volunteers on the MAG Ireland executive. In particular if you have expertise in Civil/Roads/Mechanical Engineering, Marketing, Finance or Road Safety we’d love to hear from you on the day or via email to if you cannot attend. All MAG Ireland positions are voluntary.
The AGM is open to all whether members or not, although only members have a vote on any resolutions put to the floor. You can join or renew a lapsed membership on the day, or simply come along and see what we’re about, meet the team, ask a question or make a suggestion.
We look forward to seeing you on Saturday 26th January.