Updated 29th September: Thanks to everyone who turned up yesterday for what was a very important AGM for MAG Ireland as an organisation. We’ve quite a few changes to report, and there will be a follow up post later this week.
MAG Ireland would like to extend our thanks to the team at Waterford Harley Davidson for facilitating this event. |
The Annual General Meeting of MAG Ireland (the Irish Motorcyclists’ Action Group) will take place on Saturday 28th September 2013 on the premises of Waterford Harley Davidson, Ozier Park, Poleberry, Waterford.
MAG Ireland has made significant progress over the past twelve months as the organisation adapts to better respond to the challenges we face today. As part of that transition we are seeking to extend the capability of the organisation and we are actively looking for volunteers with specific professional skills to lend their expertise to MAG Ireland for the benefit of all Irish riders (see below). MAG Ireland is your organisation – Be part of it!
We have vacancies!
We’re still looking for expertise, so if you have degree level or equivalent qualifications or experience in civil/road engineering, mechanical engineering, road safety, town planning/urban planning, software/web development or law we’d love to hear from you. We urgently need skilled volunteers with a couple of hours a week to spare. Come and talk to us on Saturday 28th in Waterford, or get in touch with office@magireland.org today.
Please Note: Proposals and nominations are closed as the deadline has passed.
We leave the following information for the benefit of members attending.
Proposals, Nominations and Voting:
Proposals and nominations must be made in writing and can be submitted by e-mail to office@magireland.org or by post to MAG Ireland, c/o 94 Merrion Square West, Dublin 2. Closing date for receipt proposals and nominations is 5PM, Friday 13th September 2013. See below for forms.
In accordance with the constitution of MAG Ireland, proposals and nominations will only be accepted from members and must be seconded by members.
Nominations must state position to which the member is seeking to be elected. All ordinary positions on the MAG Ireland board are open to any member at the AGM. Incumbents are required to put themselves forward for re-election by the membership at the AGM. Candidates for Chair and Treasurer must have held MAG Ireland membership for two years prior to election. Candidates for ordinary positions must have held MAG Ireland membership for one year prior to election.
Proposals to amend the constitution require at least two thirds of the votes recorded to be in favour. Decisions on matters other than amendments to the constitution are decided by simple majority vote.
Voting at the AGM is one vote for each Individual Member in attendance.
List of positions:
The MAG Ireland board is comprised of Chair, Treasurer and up to seven ordinary members. All sitting members must put themselves forward for re-election at the AGM. The ordinary board members are typically assigned roles including but not limited to:
- Vice Chair
- Public Relations Officer
- Membership Officer
- Research Officer
- IT Manager
- Rally Rep
- Brand Manager
- European Liaison
- Road Safety Officer
- Scooter Rep
Proposals and Nominations must be submitted in writing to the MAG Ireland office by close of business on Friday 13th September 2013.
AGM Proposal Form (PDF format) – Click Here
AGM Nomination Form (PDF format) – Click Here
All MAG Ireland positions are voluntary. Please address any queries to: office@magireland.org